
Help People Who Help People


That’s how my brother described me in his wedding speech over 10 years ago.
At the time I thought, “Marshmallow? I’m not soft!”, “Chilli? I don’t have a bite!”…

It was only as I got older that I realised this was not an insult at all; it was quite an accurate description, which I’ve chosen to harness and use to build my passion.

am a big softy and yes… I do have a bite too. I don’t suffer fools, I’m quite impatient and I constantly want everything I work on to #BeBetter. Sorry (not sorry). I’ve chosen to own this. It’s what keeps me pushing and growing, both personally and in business.

It seems the softy side of me wants to help and the “bite” side of me wants to keep pushing harder…make it better.


This is what started DesignedToChange and kept it going. My friend Leith, is the same personality. So one day we decided to turn our empathy into action. We wondered how we could use our talents in design and advertising to help others and make a difference. The answer was simple… we can our skills to help the organisations that help people, thereby creating a catalyst for exponential change.

We started DesignedToChange 4 years ago. We’ve helped almost 30 causes with logos, websites, social media posts, annual reports, posters, flyers, emailers, videos etc. We join forces with creatives and corporates who have the skills or resources to help us build charity brands. We create strong visual identities and campaigns that effectively position NPOs with credible and professional images for gaining the trust and assurance of prospective funders/supporters.


The challenge with projects like this is finding volunteers. Time is precious, and contrary to the peeps who believe that designing in Word will cut it, the creative process takes time, love and skill.

I am so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by such good-hearted people every day in business. Each charity job that pops up gets the attention and love it deserves. The JAW team are 100% committed to the cause, and we carry most of the workload.


We’re looking for creatives who would like to donate their time.
The more change agents we have on board, the less the workload, and the more people we can help. Tell us your skillset and we’ll match you with the perfect project. Photographers, designers, web developers, copywriters, videographers – we need you all!

You’ll get all the credit! You’ll be loaded as a change agent on the DesignedToChange website, and your work will be promoted on social media. Thank you to all our current change agents who continue to donate their time and skill

Click here to become a change agent


Are you a small charity looking for a logo, a website, social media posts or any design work to help you look as credible as you are? Do you know of a charity who needs our help? We’re not looking for the big guys, we’re looking for the people who are making a difference and in need of professional branding and all the help they can get!

Click here to suggest a charity


Over the next year we’ll be hosting “Speed Dating” sessions where designers will be invited to participate in a day’s design workshop to create as many beautiful collateral pieces as possible for chosen charities on that day. We’ll keep you updated.

The change we are facilitating will be exponential. So many people are doing great things to help our nation, but need an image to reflect it. We can make that happen. Really exciting stuff.

That’s why 67 Weeks!

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